Resume/Successes of
Robert Dennis Rentzer
Attorney At Law
State Bar #39822
Cell Phone:
(818) 521-5000
On December 9, 2008 secured a suspended sentence for Walter Alexander, one of the gunman in the O.J. Simpson Las Vegas criminal case, and was solely responsible for keeping him out of jail, from arrest to probationary sentence.
Summary of Legal Background:
Over fifty (50) years experience.
Former Los Angeles County Deputy District Attorney.
Over forty-eight (48) years in private practice.
Legal Education:
Southwestern University, L.A., CA (September 1962 to June 1966)
Highest Degree Received: BACHELOR OF LAWS (B.S.L.) Cum Laude.
Continuing Education: Various and ongoing State Bar approved courses.
Admissions To Practice:
January 4, 1967: State of California
January 4, 1967: U.S. District Court, Central District of California
October 18, 1982: United States Supreme Court
Professional Positions:
January 1967 through 1968: Los Angeles County Deputy District Attorney; positions held in the following order:
Preliminary Hearings, Child Support, County Run, Complaints, Juvenile Court, Trials.
(Concluding assignment: co-prosecutor on Felony Murder “Special.”)
1969 to present: Served as exam grader for Rubens’ Bar Review Course and also taught law at Beverly College of Law while concurrently maintaining a private practice in both criminal and civil law. Initially employed by a private law firm for approx. six months. Then commenced doing business as Robert D. Rentzer, A Professional Corporation, for approx. two years. Then did business as Rentzer, Segall & Gilbert, A Professional Corporation, (comprised of myself, Mr. Martin Gilbert and Mr. Mathew J. Segall) for approx. six years. Then Rentzer & Gilbert, A Professional Corporation, for approx. eight years. Then Rentzer & Rentzer, A Professional Corporation, (comprised of myself and my wife) for approx. seven years. Then Rentzer & Rosenberg, A Professional Corporation, for approx. five years. Thereafter to present, my own law firm, at times alone and at times with my attorney son and wife, a retired judge and attorney.
Fifty years of daily Court appearances, totaling in the thousands, including civil matters and the following:
Administrative Hearings (State Bar, D.M.V., Police Rights Board, Realty Board, Medical Board, etc.)
Coroner Inquests as Prosecutor, Child Support Trials as Prosecutor, Court Traffic Trials, as Prosecutor and thereafter as Defense Counsel, Misdemeanor Court and Jury trials, as Prosecutor and thereafter as Defense Counsel,
Preliminary Hearings as Prosecutor and thereafter as Defense Counsel, Discovery Motions as Prosecutor and thereafter as Defense Counsel, Informant Motions as Prosecutor and thereafter as Defense Counsel, §402 E.C. Motions, §995 P.C. Motions, §1538.5 P.C. Motions, as Prosecutor and thereafter as Defense Counsel, Felony Trials, Court and Jury, as Prosecutor and thereafter as Defense Counsel.
(Note: Too many cases to list all. A few of the more serious felony matters are listed here by way of example.)
People vs. Walter A. (O.J. Simpson Las Vegas case, in which Mr. A. was charged as one of the two accomplices with a gun): Result, no jail and probation only.
People vs. William S. (Felony Child Molest/Felony Computer Child Porn): Result, Misdemeanor Invasion of Privacy (No Jail, No Megan’s Law Registration, No Internet Posting)
People vs. David G. (Armed robbery): Result, “Not Guilty” by jury trial
People vs. Trina M. (First Degree Murder): Result, “Dismissal”
People vs. Elroy M. (Gross Vehicular Manslaughter): Result, Short County Jail sentence
People vs. Debbie B. (Gross Vehicular Manslaughter): Result, Straight Probation
People vs. Andrea M. (First Degree Murder): Result, Voluntary Manslaughter, Low Prison term
People vs. Danny L. (Murder/Torture/Rape, Special Circumstances): Result, Involuntary Manslaughter
People vs. Terry L. (First Degree Murder): Result, $5,000.00 bail,Voluntary Manslaughter, Low Prison term
People vs. Kaleb V. (First Degree Murder): Result, Voluntary Manslaughter, Straight Probation
People vs. Tom M. (First Degree Murder of Police Officer): Result, Assault With a Deadly Weapon
People vs. Moises S. (Attempted Murder): Result, “Not Guilty” by jury trial
People vs. Harry R. (Second Degree Murder): Result, Involuntary Manslaughter, Short County Jail Sentence
People vs. Larry C. (Attempted Murder): Result, “Not Guilty” by jury trial
People vs. Alan R., Esq. ($250,000.00 R.T.D. Fraud): Result, $30,000.00 restitution & straight probation
People vs. Van C. (Video Tape Piracy): Result, “Not Guilty” by court trial
People vs. Terrence M. (Armed Car-jacking): Result, “Not Guilty” by court trial
People vs. John D. (Grand Jury Contempt in O.J. Simpson Case): Result, secured release from jail
United States vs. Richard E., Esq. (Insurance Fraud/Mail Fraud, no bail): Result, bail and misdemeanor
United States vs. Ezell B. (Drug Transportation): Result, “Not Guilty” by jury trial
People vs. Rodney King (Resisting Arrest/Battery on Police Officer): Result, persuaded D.A. not to file charges, clearing the way for the 3.9 million dollar judgment.
US vs. Garret T. (Sky-jacking, jury trial) U.S. District Court,East District Case #72-CR-174 (Result, “Hung Jury”)
People vs. Dr. Habib G. (Child molest, jury trial) Los Angeles Superior Court, Van Nuys Case #A803112,(Result, “Not Guilty” by jury trial)
People vs. Dr. Julian M. (Rape by drug, jury trial) Los Angeles Superior Court, Van Nuys Case #A805738, (Result, “Not Guilty” by jury trial)
People vs. Ken L. (A.D.W. by airline pilot, jury trial) L.A. Superior Court, San Fernando Case #A702384, (Result, “Not Guilty” by jury trial)
People vs. Walter B. (Insurance Fraud, jury trial) L.A. Superior Court, Central Case #A764915, (Result, “Not Guilty” by jury trial)
People vs. Martin B. (“Three Strike,” 25 to life) Los Angeles Superior Court, Van Nuys Case #LA029416, (Result, “Not Guilty” by jury trial)
People vs. Hugh H., Jr. (Robbery/Murder, Life without parole) L.A. Superior Court, San Fernando Case # PA 031328, (Result, “Not Guilty” by jury trial)
People vs. Gilda D. (Multiple multi-million dollar thefts, jointly with attorney spouse) L.A. Superior Court, Central Case # BA183548, (Result, “Not Guilty” by judge verdict in jury trial)
People vs. Michael M. (Elder Abuse with Serious Bodily Injury, Assault and Battery with Serious Bodily Injury) L.A. Superior Court, Van Nuys Case # 6PY07189 (Result, “Not Guilty by jury trial)
Articles, Publications and Lectures:
During my employment as a Los Angeles County Deputy District Attorney I wrote several articles which appeared in the D.A. publication, “Adeline” and I lectured as office liaison for the “Lawyer In The Classroom” program.
During private practice I’ve had legal articles published in a monthly newsletter circulated to the Teamsters by a Past President of the Los Angeles County Bar Assoc. I have also had legal articles appear in a monthly flyer, “The Castle Echo,” circulated to members of a charitable organization. I have also had my proposed revision to CALJIC 9.36 (California Jury Instructions, Criminal) accepted and published by the CALJIC Committee.
Appellate Experience:
Four important civil decisions which I secured and which became published legal precedent are;
1) Lyon v. Superior Court, 68 C.2d 446, 439 P.2d 1. As a Deputy D.A., I secured a contempt against an attorney who failed to pay any spousal support while feeding his St Bernard dog. His “defense” was that he lacked the ability to make the “full payments ordered” and, thus, had no duty to pay less. The Supreme Court agreed with the concept I initiated, i.e., that “partial ability” to pay spousal support is a valid basis for contempt.
2) Tarakjian v. Krone, 196 CA3d 1243, 242 CR 435. I secured a judgment for my client but had one letter in the defendant’s name spelled wrong. The defendant filed bankrputcy and failed to list my client as a creditor thinking that the wrong spelling of his name would prevent enforcement of the judgment. The appellate court agreed with me that the debtor knew he had the judgment against him and should have listed it regardless of the wrong spelling of his name and so I won the right to enforce the judgment despite the bankruptcy.
3) Rentzer v. Unemployment Ins. Appeals Board, 32 CA 3d 604, 108 CR 336. I changed the law in the State of California concerning Tubal (Ectopic) Pregnancy. Women who suffered this condition were denied disability benefits on the theory that “pregnancy” was not a condition the disability law was designed to pay for. I argued that a tubal pregnancy was not a true pregnancy and was an illness for which full benefits should be paid. The appellate court agreed with me and from that date forward all women in the State of California became entitled to collect disability benefits when they were off work due to tubal pregnancies.
4) Aguimatang v. Calif. State Lottery, 234 CA 3d 769, 286 CR 57. This case involved a sixteen million dollar lottery prize which went unclaimed by an alleged fourth winning ticket. I won the right to produce evidence on the issue of whether or not there was proof no fourth ticket was issued since that had been used by the lottery to divide the grand prize by fourths and only pay the three claimants a quarter share rather than a one third share. In addition to the above “Published” civil opinions I have presented briefs, totaling in the hundreds, to the Los Angeles County Superior Court Appellate Division, the Ventura County Superior Court Appellate Division, the State District Court of Appeal, the California State Supreme Court, the United States District Court of Appeal for the 9th Circuit and the Supreme Court of the United States, which have included Petitions for Writs of Prohibition and Mandate as well as numerous Post Conviction Appellate Briefs, a good percentage of which were successful and some of which were published. Past Professional memberships: San Fernando Valley Bar Association, Los Angeles County Bar Assoc., Los Angeles County Trial Lawyers Assoc., Criminal Courts Bar Assoc. and State Bar of California, California Board of Legal Specialization.
Community memberships & activities:
Upon entering private practice, I established “The Legal Hotline,” a 24 hour free law line for disseminating public information to indigent persons. I have served as “Chairman of Law” for Knights of Pythias, a fraternal organization, of which I am still a member.
Judicial activities:
1980: Judge Pro Tem, Van Nuys Municipal Court (by appointment of Justice, then judge, Joan Dempsey Klein) 1989: Judge Pro Tem, Los Angeles Traffic Court (by appointment of presiding judge) 1990: Referee, Los Angeles Superior Court (by appointment of Hon. Alan B. Haber)
No Charge Telephonic Consultation 24 HRS. A DAY with Atty. Robert D. Rentzer,
(Out of state matters handled exclusively by Robert D. Rentzer, Pro Hac Vice)
Cell Phone: (818) 521-5000 Email: lawcal @